Moontime Starter Kit

Free Moontime Starter Kit for wellness conscious females

What if you could have more ease, abundance, creativity, fulfillment, and pleasure in your career, life, and relationships – without the exhaustion, stress, or effort? 

Did you know that as a menstruating female, you have a natural well-spring of energy and vitality within you that can change your entire life?

What would it be like to access this energy and make life flow so much easier?

And what if the way to access it was not hard or confusing, but instead holistic, simple, easy, and accessible?

I want to be truthful with you: there is no single, magic bullet process or solution that will get you there. It’s not about just taking some supplements or ovulating with the full moon.

Your way of getting there is unique – just like you. I want to show you that coming back into your inner alignment and learning to work with your body and what it needs in the moment can be a deeply replenishing, rewarding, fun, and pleasurable journey!

In fact, I believe that learning to work with your menstrual cycle and female body is the single most important thing you can do for current and long term vitality and generational health!

When you’re in your own flow, you literally feel “lit from within”, which allows you to enjoy the present moment more fully, make aligned decisions, and be “unfuckwithable”! You feel like you’re held and supported, as you trust that your whole body and system has your back, like your ultimate best friend. Over time, you also get to enjoy bonus benefits like glowing skin, shiny hair, healthy nails, and even deeper orgasms!

Does that peak your interest? You might be thinking… “how do I get started?”

I have some easy tools to help you do exactly that.

Here’s what you get in the Moontime Starter Kit:

1. Moonphase Calendar PDF:

  • Tap into the energy of new and full moons so you can be more in alignment with your menstrual phases and anticipate energy shifts
  • Be aware of the unique energy of each phase and the best times for creative projects, fun, connection, romance, rest, stillness, and more
  • Get a heads up when relationships may feel spicy or people might be creating drama at work (hint: it’s during full moons!)
  • Easily printable so you can have it somewhere visible

2. “Learn to Track the 4 Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle by Hand” Online Workshop:

  • Discover how your menstrual cycle ACTUALLY works and how to track it manually, so you can make more informed decisions about what menstrual vitality solutions are best for you
  • Learn how to not be dependent on apps or other tech to track your cycle, so that you can have more accurate information when you need it
  • Get access to behind the scenes, insider information that’s not often not talked about

3. “Moontime Starter Kit” Essential Guide:

  • Learn how to get the most out of the Moon Phase Calendar and cycle tracking workshop
    See how others have changed their lives with these tools
  • Discover how to take your journey further

4. Special discount for the Lit from Within eBook or Audiobook, exclusive to Moontime Starter Kit subscribers

Who am I, anyways?

Hi, I’m Dana Michelle Gillespie — My Moontime Creator and Founder.

I’m obsessed with helping wellness-conscious, independent, creative, working women like you to tap into more abundance, ease, and flow in their careers, finances, and relationships, without effort, confusion or exhaustion.

In other words, I live and breathe working WITH the power of one’s menstrual cycle.

I started my journey in 2007 when I was working as a celebrity esthetician in Los Angeles and so many of my clients were experiencing hormonal skin issues. I was also not looking to have children at the time and not interested in taking any form of manufactured chemical birth control substances either. Through this, I sought out to learn all I could about menstrual cycles, fertility, vitality, energy, ease, and success.

Because I wanted to be successful in both my professional AND my personal life. And over time I uncovered the secrets of holistic menstrual wellness.

Now I want to share all that good stuff with you, in this free ‘Moontime Starter Kit’.

If you’re ready to work smarter, not harder and be in your own unique flow – the ‘Moontime Starter Kit’ will help you tap into more abundance, ease, and flow (without effort) — all so you can be living a life you love, feeling like you’re flowing through silk.

Here’s what others are saying about the Moontime Starter Kit:

“Each year I print out your Moon Phase Calendar. Love what you’re doing and how much you’re supporting other women-owned businesses!” R.J.

“Learning more about the menstrual cycle and how to connect more with my body. Thank you, My Moontime.”

“Omg I can’t waittttt to learn from you!!!! Thank you so much for your work. And as someone who has never had a regular cycle – excited to learn learn learn.” E.G.

The starter kit is just the beginning of your journey. When you step further into inner alignment, even more becomes available to you. With tools like

My Moontime App, eBook, Journal, Podcast, and Coaching

What if…

  • work actually became MUCH more enjoyable again?
  • your creativity flowed with ease?
  • could feel more supported than ever before?
  • be un-fuckwithable and unphased by other people’s drama? 
  • your uncertainty about the future transformed into a happy, resourceful excitement?
  • your capacity to continuously receive and keep money expanded?
  • your career, health, and relationships bloomed because your natural, authentic energy returned?
  • you could BE more present and just enjoy the sweetness of life?
  • your sense of pleasure naturally expanded 

Ready to get started?